Ebay Virtual Server Service

Ebay Server, Ebay Virtual Server Service specially for you designed services. It is used to avoid problems on eBay.

  • Private Fixed IP Address

  • Windows Operating System

  • Can be connected remotely 24/7

  • Clean IP Address

Ebay Server Packages

With Ebay Server Services, you can manage multiple Ebay Accounts server and connect to all of them from a single computer.

First Choice of Expert Firms

As Hostizyo, we provide the best quality service to expert companies in the field. Values of our customers carry us even higher.

Quality and Performance Together!

Ebay Virtual Server Rent - Ebay Server Rent You will realise the quality thanks to the services we offer you free of charge in our services..

Custom Control Panel

You can manage your service every second thanks to a completely custom-designed control panel.

Special Design Servers

We provide you with uninterrupted high performance service with completely special design servers in our services..

Ready Server with One Click

All our amazon server rental services are designed specifically for your needs and installed with a single click.

99% Uptime Guarantee

Ebay Server Rent - Ebay VDS Rent services with 99% Uptime guarantee, your servers will be active 24/7 without any problems..

Cloud Backup Option

Ebay Server Rent - Ebay VDS Rent In addition to your services, thanks to the backup service, backup is provided with the periods you request..

Quality Support Team

Ebay VDS Rent - Our technical team helps you 24/7 in any problem you may experience in your Ebay Server service..

Toplu alım mı düşünüyorsunuz?

If you demand a high amount of Ebay Virtual Server - Ebay VDS service You can take advantage of our campaign prices by contacting us.

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A few of our valued customers' comments about Hostizyo...

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions. If you still have a question in your mind, please contact us from here you can reach.

Hostizyo Virtual Servers for Ebay Seller Account Management
The virtual server service we offer as Hostizyo is a solution designed specifically for Ebay sellers. Offering a professional approach to your management needs for Ebay's seller accounts, this service allows your business to operate more effectively on the Ebay platform.

Private and Clean IP Addresses
Hostizyo's virtual servers for Ebay sellers provide each user with dedicated clean IP addresses. This increases account security in accordance with Ebay's security standards and prevents any interaction between accounts.

Pre-installation With Ebay Business Applications
In order to manage your seller accounts more efficiently, Hostizyo virtual servers come pre-installed with Ebay's required business applications. This gives your business a quick start on the Ebay platform and helps you optimise your business processes.

Overseas and Domestic Replacement Service
It is important that your merchant accounts are constantly accessible. Hostizyo virtual servers offer international and domestic backup services for a fee. In this way, you can take precautions against data loss and protect your business continuity.

Account Protection with Security Measures
Hostizyo prioritises the security of your Ebay seller accounts. Our virtual servers ensure the security of your accounts by taking all necessary precautions in terms of security and take measures against potential threats.

Free Control Panel and Easy Installation
The free control panel we have developed to manage your Ebay seller accounts offers an easy-to-use interface. Thanks to the one-click installation feature, you can quickly start using your virtual servers and manage your Ebay transactions smoothly. As a result, the virtual server service we offer as Hostizyo is specially designed for Ebay sellers. It contributes to the success of your business on the Ebay platform with private and clean IP addresses, pre-installed business applications, backup services, security measures, free control panel and easy installation features.

Ebay Virtual Server Rent - Ebay VDS Rent service is delivered automatically after purchase.